How Little G Came to Be (Part 2)

Unlike the first time around I was now back at work full-time. I also had a preschooler to contend with. Added bonus, thanks to my high risk status I was getting ultrasounds every 2 weeks by a perinatalogist. 

Because of all the extra appointments, I had to come clean with my employer much earlier than I normally would have. My boss was very supportive and accommodating even after I told him that I would not be returning to work after I had the babies.

I was tired,achy and miserable. Every symptom came earlier than it was supposed to (at least in my mind). I was experiencing Braxton hicks contractions freakishly early. All of my concerns on the matter were explained away. “You’re pregnant with twins. Things are different.” I developed gestational diabetes. That was fun.

Despite that hiccup and all the aches, pains, and nuisances the girls were doing beautifully. At about 30 weeks we started doing non-stress tests. Twice a week I was hooked up to heart monitors in a hospital bed and the twins’ heartbeats were monitored to ensure that they weren’t in distress.

One friday morning I had my checkup. My OBGYN did the usual quickie ultrasound. As she was looking around, all the color left her face and I knew. I knew that my worst nightmare was about to be realized. I knew that all the fears I had and the horrid things I read on the interwebs were happening right at that moment.

“Baby A,” she said, “has died. She has no heartbeat.” I just stared at her and my exact words were, “I have no idea what to with that information.”  After consulting with some colleagues, my OBGYN decided to monitor Baby B and see if she was strong enough to wait. If possible she wanted me to carry the other baby as along as I could. After finding a sitter for Lady M, hubby drove me to the hospital. After some tests, it was clear that Little G was in distress. It was clear that I would have to deliver that day. The question was, “Where?”

to be continued…

About needssaying

I am a stay at home mom of 2 adorable, smart and sassy girls who needs an outlet for her snarky tendencies. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you.
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